If you want beautiful glowing healthy skin, change your diet. If you eat right it will make your body healthier. And that includes your skin. The truth is a healthy diet will make your skin glow.
Healthy Diet Hints
Eliminate refined sugar from your diet.
Processed sugar in your diet is a major cause of acne and inflammation on your face. Eating processed sugar (carbohydrate) boosts your blood sugar levels. Your pancreas then releases more insulin. Too much insulin results in an oily skin base which produces acne.
Avoid Processed Foods
When food is processed then cooked it loses important nutrients. When you consume processed food, you don’t receive those nutrients. And your body doesn’t function efficiently without them. If your skin cells aren’t properly nourished, they don’t look as good. You’re also more prone to acne and other embarrassing infections.
Processed foods are hard on the skin. They cause a breakdown of both the collagen and elastin in your skin. It causes premature wrinkles and sagging. Your skin loses elasticity and firmness if you eat too much processed food.
Most processed foods and drinks have excess trans fats. Over time, this could do damage to your skin. If your skin cells don’t receive proper nourishment, it is visible. You are likely to have acne and other signs of infections on your face.
Eliminate dairy from your diet.
Dairy products can trigger an acne breakout. If you already have blackheads, pimples or other inflammation of the skin dairy products can make it worse. Whole milk contains synthetic steroid hormones (androgens) that manufacture skin inflammation.
Don’t drink alcohol.
Rosacea is one skin condition which can flare up after too much alcohol.And it often includes a red flush, stinging, dryness and a burning or itching sensation.
Drinking alcohol can dry out the skin. It also dilates the blood vessels. Eczema can also be triggered by alcohol.
Stay hydrated-drink plenty of water.
Your skin is made up of cells that function best when they have enough water. If your body is dehydrated your skin will get flaky and dry. It also results in wrinkles and age spots.
It is recommended that you drink two liters or half a gallon of water daily.
Your body loses water through sweat and urine. So take into account your physical activity, and any illness you have when considering if you need to water.
Foods That Make Your Skin Glow
Leafy Greens (spinach, mustard greens, radish leaves)
Olive Oil
Sunflower Seeds
Dark Chocolate
Green Tea
Fatty Fish (salmon, mackerel, and herring)
Sweet potatoes
Red or yellow bell peppers
Cheryl Karcher, MD, is a New York dermatologist who is also a nutritionist. Dr. Karcher works for the American Academy of Dermatology. She claims that, “ A nutritious diet that keeps your inside healthy will help keep your outward appearance looking good. On the other hand, a poor diet will show up on your skin.”
Nutrition and dermatology are linked. There are many foods that support healthy skin. There are also foods that are bad for your skin and to lead to blemishes, rashes, and breakouts.