Anti-aging vitamins slow down or delay the process of aging. The article discusses the role of the top five anti-aging vitamins for skin.
Aging is inevitable. All humans are destined to become old after a particular biological age. No one can escape aging. But the desire to look young and beautiful with a glowing skin is something that everyone longs for. This desire is especially strong in women. In this era of a hectic lifestyle, poor dietary habits, and stressed-out work environment, many men and women suffer from early aging.
Appearance of fine lines around the eyes and on the forehead has become quite common in young people from the age of 20s. In case you are among such early-aging victims, then you must be searching for an effective solution. Vitamins are essential for nurturing good health, and hence for a shiny, well-toned and young looking skin too.
Vitamins are tiny compounds required in small quantities by your body. They carry out many vital biochemical functions. They act as hormones, mediators of cell signaling, regulators of cell and tissue growth differentiation, and antioxidants. Your body is not able to make vitamins in sufficient quantities, and so, it is very necessary to obtain them from outside food sources.
Science supports the fact that vitamins play an important role in anti-aging, or in more clear words, in delaying the process of aging. Their sufficient intake gives your body, especially your skin, a shine, tonicity, and youthfulness. They are also responsible for many physiological roles. The following ones play a major role in anti-aging. They form the basis of anti-aging wrinkle creams.
Types of Vitamins
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
- Helps in the conversion of calories from fat, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy.
- Boosts digestive system.
- Promotes health of the nerves and skin.
Sources: Peanuts, eggs, meat, yeast, fish, and poultry.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
- Increases function of the brain.
- Is necessary for the conversion of proteins into energy.
- Is responsible to involve other vitamins that promote healthy cells for proper cell rejuvenation.
Sources: Pork, eggs, fish, poultry, whole grains, soybean, nuts, bananas, seeds, and oats.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
- It improves your skin’s resistance to UV damage.
- Acts as an antioxidant, which helps your body of harmful toxins that reduce the effects of your anti-aging efforts.
Sources: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, grapes, and green tea.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
- Is important in repairing free radicals, and prevents them from accelerating the aging process.
- Boosts healthy diet.
- Strengthens immune system.
Sources: Vegetables and citrus fruits.
Vitamin K
- Plays the role of an antioxidant.
- Know to prevent degenerative diseases, such as osteoporosis and heart diseases.
- Reduces damage to heart valves.
- Regulates the flow of calcium out of the arteries, and directs it into the bones.
In this beauty and looks conscious age, having a charming and pleasant personality has become a requirement. Not only women, but men also have started to care for their appearance. But no one can deny the fact that good looks without a clean and glowing skin is impossible. Anti-aging does not only mean maintaining good looks and appearance, but it is more about physical fitness and health. Therefore, in addition to taking these nutrients, you should also focus on following a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Disclaimer: This BeautiSecrets article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.