Facial cleansers that are specially made for rosacea, balance the water and oil content on the skin which relieves inflammation and excess dryness. Read the article to get a better idea about these facial cleansers.
Rosacea is a skin condition which is caused due to the hereditary or environmental factors. There are many other factors which may lead to rosacea. It causes redness and chronic inflammation. The redness is not harmful until it reaches the eye. In chronic conditions, it may result in pus-filled bumps or pustules. As such it has no treatment but the symptoms can be reduced by some of the skin moisturizers, creams and facial cleansers specially made for rosacea condition. These are specially made products which help in relieving the skin from redness and inflammation.
How to Select a Good Facial Cleanser
Skin becomes very sensitive with rosacea. Even a slight change in the atmosphere can harm the skin. Hence it’s very important to know what type of cleanser to use under which condition. The first most important thing is to use the product only when it is recommended by the doctor. Experimenting with a rosacea skin may end up with worse conditions. If you are buying a facial cream for rosacea then check the ingredients. Lesser the ingredients safer is the cream. Avoid the products which have fragrance as they may result in skin irritation. Test the cream or the cleanser on a small area of your skin before using it on the face.
How to Use a Facial Cleanser
It is easy to use a facial cleanser but it is necessary to keep some things in mind. Buy the product which suits your skin and it should be gentle. You can also get a natural facial cleanser which you can prepare at home and is totally safe. After getting the product, just clean the face with the help of cleanser. Use your fingertips instead of cotton swab or cloth. This will reduce the irritation. If the cleanser initiates a burning sensation then discontinue the use.
Once the face is clean, wash it with lukewarm water. Pat dry your face with the help of a clean towel. Now apply rosacea moisturizer which will give you a complete skin care. Following are some of the point which should be kept in mind while using the facial cleanser for rosacea.
- Use a soap free cleanser. This type of cleansers gently remove the impurities and maintain the balance between water and oil content of the skin.
- Instead of using a washcloth use your fingertips for applying the cleanser.
- Do not rub your face with the towel, always pat dry it.
- Men are advised not to use shaving lotion as it may trigger burning sensation.
- After cleansing the skin, wait for at least half an hour before applying any medicine. After applying medication, wait for another 5 -10 minutes and then put the make-up or moisturizer.
Facial Cleansers Reviews
Following are the reviews of some of the well-known facial cleansers for rosacea. They are clinically proven and are quite effective in reducing the redness and inflammation of the skin.
Evan Healy Blue Lavender Cleansing Milk
It is best for sensitive skin and has cooling element like organic lavender and blue chamomile to calm down the sensitive skin. It has a proper pH balance formula and is great for all skin types. It leaves the skin supple and soft.
CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser
It is a totally non-irritating and non-comedogenic cleanser. It helps in removing dirt, dead cells, germs, excess oil and medication residues from the skin without harm. It helps in maintaining the moisture level of the skin and keeps it healthy. It is facilitated with patented MVE delivery technology which helps in restoring the skin nutrients.
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
It is a gentle skin cleanser which is specially meant for sensitive skin. It cleanses the skin and can be used on acne-prone skin. It is recommended by the dermatologists. It maintains the normal pH of the skin and can be used daily. It can also be used for removing make up.
Neutrogena Extra Gentle Cleanser
This is an extra gentle cleanser which is soap free and non comendogenic. It helps in restoring the suppleness and moisturizes the skin. It has the nutrition of chamomile and vitamin E which proves to be good for rasocea. It is 100% fragrance free.
Paula’s Choice Skin Recovery Cleanser
It is specially meant for dry to extremely dry skin. It is 100% fragrance free and is very helpful in removing make-up. Improves the skin texture by moisturizing the skin. It adds smoothness to the skin without making it oily and sticky.
If you feel a burning sensation or irritation from any of the above cleansers then discontinue the usage. Consult the dermatologist about your skin problem and avoid the usage of chemically driven products or the products which have fragrance. Try to keep your skin cool and hydrated.