Trying to figure out which lipstick colors will go well with your red hair? Read this BeautiSecrets article for some useful tips on the most suitable lipstick colors for redheads.
The application of lipstick, even though for a fleeting moment, makes a woman feel good about herself and adds to her confidence. It perks her up in moments when she feels down and out. It’s not just the lipstick that makes a woman feel better, rather the lip color which suits her the best enhances her mood too. After all there is no better spirit and mood booster for a woman than shopping or buying what she likes.
There are a number of ways on which women depend to choose their lipstick colors. Some buy them according to their skin color, some which will go with their dress, and some according to the color of their hair. Redheads, i.e women with red hair, often find it difficult, compared to brunettes or blonds, when it comes to picking up the shades that will suit them. So, to help them out, below are some tips on how to pick a good lipstick color.
Pink Lipsticks
Redheads usually have three kinds of shades of hair, i.e deep orange-red, bright copper-red, and burnt orange-red. They can apply lipsticks which have a pink tone, as pink-toned lips go very well with red hair. For red-haired women some of the best and well suited colors are peach, coral, and those which are raisin colored.
Red Lipsticks
All women love to apply red lipstick once in a while. But, redheads should be very careful when selecting the shade of a red lipstick, lest they buy something which looks awkward on them. As a general rule, they should look for red colors which are closest to their own hair color. For example, redheads with orange-red or burnt orange shade of hair, should go for red lip colors that are orange based. Similarly, those with copper-red hair should choose red lipsticks which have copper highlights. However, blue-based red lip colors are something which they should avoid.
Brown Lipsticks
For redheads who like to color their lips brown, warm shades such as, terracotta and cinnamon, will suit them best. They should avoid applying very dark brown shades as they do not go well with the color of the hair. Another thing that redheads can do is to go in for neutral shades of brown which are very light, and hence will suit their face.
For red-haired women, any of the colors mentioned above which come in sheer or gloss finish will look best. Besides the lip color, one should be very careful while choosing the foundation, eyeliners, eyeshadow, powders, and other makeup items. One last tip on the most suited makeup look for red-haired women – apply a neutral foundation, pink blusher, neutral or terracotta eye shadow, red-brown eyeliner and mascara, terracotta lipstick, and some bronzer powder on the face to get a complete and beautiful look.