Treating or preventing ingrown pubic hair is not difficult if the right instructions are followed. This article discusses a few tips on how to deal with an ingrown pubic hair problem.
The main reason behind the problem of ingrown pubic hair is inappropriate practices in pubic hair grooming. This problem occurs when a shaved hair starts growing back or sideways into the skin instead of growing upward or outward. Precisely, the hair starts growing into the side of the hair follicle, giving rise to inflammation and painful raised red bumps. If left unattended, the pain and discomfort can get worse as it may risk bacterial infection; commonly being folliculitis. People who have curly hair are more susceptible to the problem of ingrown hair, as such type of hair is more likely to bend back and grow into the skin. Tight-fitting clothing presses against the skin, and even this may increase the chances of ingrown hair.
How to Manage Ingrown Pubic Hair
Take A Shaving Break
The first thing you have to do is give a break to shaving. It would also be wise if you do not use any depilatories or waxes. Otherwise, you might risk yourself to an ingrown hair infection.
Start Exfoliating
Gently exfoliate the pubic area. Get stuffs like a loofa or any product which is especially designed to exfoliate the pubic area. This method helps in loosening the area of the skin that is holding the ingrown hair.
Soften the Skin
Spend some time in a sauna or a hot tub. The heat would help the skin to open up the pores. This in turn, may aid the skin to get rid of the ingrown hair.
Get A Good Pair of Tweezers
You can also get a pair of pointed tweezers to your aid. Ensure that the tool has a good grip, so that you can lift the ingrown hair without much difficulty and pain. It is necessary that you sanitize the tool with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, before using it for hair removal. This cuts chances of any infection.
Cream Also Helps
Most people have benefited from using a cream that is especially formulated to deal with ingrown pubic hair. This cream dissolves the pubic hair under the skin itself. This helps in reducing any further skin irritation.
Mostly, an ingrown hair resolves on its own after a few days. However, if the problem persists, it may risk bacterial infection, scar formation, or it might darken the skin permanently. Your doctor may prescribe you with topical steroids to manage inflammation, and topical antibiotics to prevent any bacterial infection in the affected area. Oral antibiotics are usually recommended for more serious infection. Certain medicines that help remove dead skin cells may also be prescribed.
Preventive Measures
- Trim the hair as much as possible. This makes shaving less painful and smoother.
- Take a warm shower or bath before shaving for at least 2-3 minutes. The warmth relaxes the skin, softens the hair and helps it stand up. Also ensure that you clean the pubic area to get rid of any dirt or oil.
- After the bath, pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Thereafter, apply a mild, unscented shaving cream or gel to the skin, and lather. Never use a soap; it dries up your skin and may increase irritation.
- Always use a sharp-bladed razor. This helps you shave without applying pressure. Experts recommend using a single-bladed one instead of a double-bladed razor. Also, rinse the blade to get rid of clogged hair after every stroke.
- Shaving in a direction opposite to that of the hair growth increases the risk of ingrown hair and razor bumps. So shave in the direction of the hair growth.
- Shave using as few strokes as possible. The more you run the blade over the area, the more irritation it may cause. Apply more shaving cream if required.
- Once you are done with the shaving, soak a washcloth in cold water, wring it and apply it on the shaved area. This reduces irritation. Thereafter, apply aloe vera gel to keep the area moisturized and prevent irritation.
The best treatment for ingrown pubic hair is not to shave at all. But that might not be an option for most people. So following the above measures may reduce the risk of ingrown hair and the unpleasant symptoms associated with it.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.