Sweat related issues are the main culprits that trigger pimples on thighs. Bacterial infections such as acne or folliculitis can also cause thigh pimples.
Did You Know?
Stress aggravates skin problems like pimples. So, make sure to indulge in relaxation techniques that promote happiness and calmness of the mind.
As we all know, pimple formation is the result of blockage of skin pores. Bacteria thrive in these clogged pores, causing an infection. These infected areas soon begin to show formation of pimples.
Pimples can occur anywhere on the skin, including the thighs. When the climate becomes warmer, heat rash or pimples may develop on the thighs. In such a condition, when the skin surface of the thighs rub against each other, it can cause radiating pain and prolong the healing time. Pimples on thighs is often the result of bacterial infection that may require medical treatment.
Causes of Pimple Breakouts
Sweating: Too much sweating can also trigger pimple development on the skin. Sweating thighs is a common complaint in people of all age groups. Inner thighs suffer from excessive sweating. This can often cause pimples on inner thighs. The thigh area, always remains covered with clothes, hence having sweaty thighs is common. In hot climate, the body tries to regulate its temperature, by releasing sweat on the uppermost layer of the skin. Sweat causes blockage of innumerable pores on the skin, thus preventing the skin to breathe. In such cases, sweat bumps or a heat rash is likely to appear on the thighs and other areas of the skin. Wearing tight clothes such as jeans are some of the common causes behind heavy sweating on the thigh area, that eventually brings unwanted changes on the skin in the form of pimples.
Folliculitis: Red pimples on thighs and buttock is the result of infection of hair follicles, referred to as folliculitis. Hair follicles behave like the roots of the hair. This is because, the hair strand actually emerges from the hair follicles. When bacteria attacks hair follicles, the infection brings pimples, with the hair making its way, through the center of the pimples. Being a bacterial infection, these pimples are filled with pus and are likely to cause pain. Itchy or burning sensation is often associated with folliculitis.
Thigh Acne: Acne is a skin infection that normally invades the facial or the back area. Generally thigh acne is seen near the scrotum. More often seen in teenagers, acne mars the appearance of the skin in the form of whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. Excess sebum production is the primary reason behind occurrence of acne. As we all know, the sebaceous glands found in large number on the face and the back secrete sebum (an oily substance) that helps to keep the skin moist and prevents dryness in skin. However, malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands can lead to excess sebum production. The skin is made up of thousands of tiny pores, which eventually get clogged. This happens because surplus sebum gets accumulated in these pores, thus creating an environment, where bacteria can easily grow. The bacterial infection, thus leads to formation of pimples and blackheads.
Skin Creams: Well, you may be using a moisturizer everyday for a healthy skin but if it is an oil based product, you are doing more harm than good to your skin. This is because oil based moisturizers can actually make the skin oily, which may lead to clogging of pores. A better option is to go for water based moisturizers as they are unlikely to block the pores.
Hormonal Changes: Hormonal imbalance that is common at the time of puberty, menstruation and pregnancy can make the oily glands (located under the skin) hyperactive. This leads to excess production of oil (sebum), in turn clogging the pores and causing acne.
Eliminating Pimple Breakouts
Turmeric: An easy home remedy to treat thigh pimples involves use of turmeric. The goodness of turmeric has been known since ancient times. It is a potent killer of harmful microbes, thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. No wonder, turmeric is found to be very useful in getting rid of pimples. Here’s how you should go about it:
- For usage, make a mixture by combining 5 tablespoons of olive oil with 8 tablespoons of turmeric powder.
- Mix these two ingredients well so that a paste is formed.
- Before you apply the paste, soak the area in hot water for a few minutes. In fact, applying it after a hot bath is recommended.
- Now, before you hit the sack, dab this antiseptic paste on the thighs affected with pimples.
- Leave it overnight and wash it away in the morning. Continue applying turmeric mixture every night till acne goes away.
Skin-Care Products: Daily application of skin creams containing 0.5% to 2% of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide in the range varying from 2.5% to 5%, can also help to clear pimples arising from acne. Severe skin problems may require products containing 10% concentration of benzoyl peroxide. Both these ingredients are exfoliants that can help to unclog the pores and get rid of pimples. Retinol creams that are synthesized from vitamin A are also beneficial to cure thigh acne. In case of folliculitis, antibiotic ointments are commonly prescribed to heal the infection.
Lemon Juice: Applying a cotton ball soaked in lemon juice everyday can also work wonders to heal pimples. Lemon juice being a natural antiseptic agent kills the bacteria causing acne, thereby helping to cure the condition.
Diluted Tea Tree Oil: Being antibacterial in nature, use of tea tree oil can also work wonders to get rid of pimples. Water solution containing 5% of tea tree oil is found to be effective in treating this skin problem. For usage, take a cotton ball, dip it in this solution and then dab it on the affected area. Follow this skin care regimen daily and you will soon notice your pimples fading away into oblivion.
Preventive Measures
Maintaining a good personal hygiene is also very important to control and prevent thigh pimples. Skipping the morning bath and wearing unwashed inner wear for days will trigger recurring outbreaks of pimples. So, make sure to wash your inner wear daily to keep skin bacterial infections at bay. In case of ‘sweaty’ issues, wear light clothes that allow the skin to breathe. Also, avoid washing the area with harsh soap, instead use a mild soap like ‘Pears’ to keep the skin problem from aggravating. And of course don’t forget to drink plenty of water everyday and follow a healthy diet that is free from fried and junk foods.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.