For a sensitive skin, one cannot apply the same products that are usually recommended for normal skin. The following BeautiSecrets write-up discusses some products appropriate for this type of skin.
Sensitive skin has its own set of problems. This type of skin is prone to irritations and redness. Even a small amount of exposure to irritants is quite bothersome and can damage the skin. Pollution and sun exposure are some of the factors that cause irritation and trigger skin problems like eczema, dermatitis and acne. In such circumstances, the use of sensitive skin care products on a daily basis can help to protect the skin from damage. Some of them are discussed below:
Aloe Vera Gel or Creams
Aloe vera is basically a plant, native to the African continent. Well-known for its ‘skin friendly’ properties, aloe vera extracts are commonly used to treat a wide range of skin problems including sunburn. Many of the skin care products for sensitive skin, contain aloe vera as the main ingredient. Aloe vera gel acts as a perfect moisturizer for this type of skin. It helps to soothe redness and keep skin problems such as acne, at bay.
Purpose Skin Care Products
Purpose skin care products such as cleansers and moisturizers, manufactured by Johnson and Johnson pharmaceutical company, can work wonders to rejuvenate dry sensitive skin. These are inexpensive products that gently clean the skin by removing the dirt, leaving the skin fresh and rejuvenated. Daily application of these products can certainly give a more youthful appearance to the skin. A face wash with these products can also help prevent skin flare ups.
Aveeno Ultra Calming Cleansers
The Aveeno skin care products has come up with new skin formulation, known as the Ultra-Calming foaming cleanser. As aforementioned, this type of skin is prone to irritation and hence becomes, unusually red. However, everyday use of this new product is soothing to the skin and helps to lessen these dermatological problems.
This cleanser contains a natural ingredient known as feverfew, that can help to calm irritated skin. Dermatologist firmly believe that anti-inflammatory properties of this herb (feverfew) can be useful to treat skin disorders like acne. The ancient Romans considered feverfew as a natural way to beautify the skin. The antioxidant activity of feverfew is beneficial to decrease the irritation and redness of the skin.
Aveeno Positively Radiant Cleanser
People with this type of skin are predisposed to skin problems like rosacea, if appropriate skin care is not taken. These people can use this cleanser that is specifically formulated for such type of problematic skin. The antioxidant benefits of soy helps to stimulate collagen (a type of protein present in skin tissues) production, thus enabling the skin to maintain its elasticity. Use of this cleanser that is rich in soy can help to prevent dryness in skin. This product when used regularly can certainly restore natural glow of the skin.
Follow a Healthy Diet
Although these products are useful to treat skin problems, one simply cannot ignore the diet. These products will work only when one chooses to have a healthy diet. For best results, one should also have foods that promote a healthy skin. The aforementioned products won’t be effective, if the person does not have a proper diet. One has to ditch habits like smoking and alcohol as well as stay away from junk and spicy foods. Following are the foods that are termed as skin friendly products:
- Carrots and dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli
- Nuts (almonds, walnuts)
- Sufficient water intake
- Fish (salmon)
- Flax seed oil
- Pomegranate juice
- Fruits like avocados, strawberries and blackberries
As aforementioned, complete dependence on skin care products to heal skin problems is not recommended. Use of these products coupled with an appropriate diet and exercise routine can certainly keep the skin at its best, years down the line.