Dry skin, though not a serious condition can definitely cause a lot of discomfort. Supplements can be used for replenishing the moisture in the skin and making it soft and supple.
Skin and hair are often the first to show signs of poor health. What you eat is reflected on your skin and hair. Hence, if you have a dry skin, your diet should be the first thing that you should alter. Sometimes, dry arid air, or very hot climate also causes dry skin. Rarely, you have your genes to blame for dry skin. No matter what the cause behind this condition is, you can certainly correct it with right supplements formulated especially for dry skin. Xerosis is a non serious dry skin condition which is mostly caused due to dehydration or lack of natural oils. Ichthyosis, on the other hand, is a group of dry skin disorders which needs medical intervention. Supplements can be effectively used for treating dry skin that mostly results from poor diet.
Effective Supplements for Dry Skin
Your body needs water to function properly. When you are dehydrated, your body starts squeezing water from the skin cells. This causes the naturally plump skin cells to become shriveled. The result is dry, flaky, scaly skin, which is not only unsightly, but also uncomfortable. Moisture and nutrient loss can be replenished by taking certain nutrient supplements.
Dry, rough and scaly skin is often an indication of deficiency of vitamin A. Vitamin A is very much essential for skin to fight off wrinkles and other aging signs. It also hydrates the skin and maintains a healthy glow. Vitamin A can be synthesized in the body from beta carotenoids, which is present in brightly colored vegetables like carrots, etc. However, one must be careful with supplement dosage, as beta carotene overdose may worsen your skin condition. Apart from vitamin A, a range of vitamin B supplements such as riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, etc., also help to improve the skin texture. Taking vitamin B complex supplements is the best way to ensure that you receive all vitamin B nutrients.
Vitamin E is also great for skin and hair due to its anti-aging properties. It stimulates collagen production in skin which makes skin taut and plump. It also moistens skin cells to make them look plump and healthy. Vitamin K, which is found in many skin creams is also a great supplement for treating dry skin among various other skin problems.
Herbal supplements are known to repair dry skin and hydrate damaged skin cells. Herbs can be applied topically or taken orally in supplement form. Evening primrose oil, which is extracted from evening primrose flower has been used as a treatment for dry skin and eczema since ages. It can be taken in capsule form without experiencing any side effects. Sandalwood oil is also great as a skin moisturizer. One needs to apply it topically for better effects. Besides, aloe vera gel is another herb which soothes dry skin and relieves itching. Rose geranium and mandarin are two other herbs which can effectively replenish lost moisture in the skin.
Other Supplements
Apart from herbs and vitamins for dry skin there are numerous other supplements which help in treating this condition. Antioxidant supplements can effectively cure dry skin if it results as a part of aging process. Women in menopausal age group can particularly benefit from taking antioxidant supplements. As deficiency of omega-3 essential fatty acids often causes skin to become dry and flaky, taking omega-3 essential fatty acid supplements indeed helps in improving your skin texture. Cod liver oil capsules are often recommended for healthy skin and hair. Adding omega-3 essential fatty acid rich foods such as fish (salmon), flaxseed oil, walnuts etc., to your daily diet also helps in treating dry skin.
Some medical conditions such as diabetes may also affect the skin condition to a great extent. Hence, before taking any supplements make sure you are free of any such ailment. Besides, it is not recommended to start, stop or combine supplements on your own. Always consult a doctor or dietitian before resorting to taking supplements.