A clear skin is every woman’s dream. To make this dream come true in just three days, you might want to try these tips.
If people want to change the quality of their skin, they can do so today at any age. With science progressing faster than it every did and the cosmetic industry giving us new products everyday, changing the quality of your skin isn’t as difficult as you may think. The tips mentioned in this article will help you get rid of pimples, blemishes, and dryness.
After the application of these tips, you will notice that your skin is relatively clear than it was 72 hours before. There are three things you need to keep in mind. First, your diet. Second, your exercise. Third, pampering your skin the right way. Let’s check out each of these in detail.
The Diet
We all know how a healthy diet affects not only our skin, but also our entire body. Some healthy foods act like antioxidants and help in clearing our skin in hardly any time. Include only natural foods in your diet for three days; no artificial foods. A healthy diet can do long-lasting wonders to the skin. Before starting this diet, get in touch with a nutritionist; a diet for someone with an oily skin will be different than a diet for someone with a dry skin. There are certain foods you can consume nevertheless; in moderation of course. These are:
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Acai berries
- Walnut
- Canola Oil
- Flax Seed Oil
- Salmon
- Tuna
- White Fish
- Brazil Nut
- Wheat Germ
- Organ Meat
The Exercise
It may not seem so, but exercises are absolutely necessary for a good and healthy skin. Exercises make you sweat, specially cardio; try running and jogging if you don’t have time to hit the gym. This way you get rid of unwanted oils through your sweat. Mostly all doctors and nutritionists recommend exercising for a smoother skin. It is very difficult to acquire a smooth skin without exercising, as all the toxins cannot be removed only through digestive activity. You have to indulge in both―the diet and the exercise―in a compatible combination.
The Pampering
Pamper your skin. First, with home remedies and second, with some skin enhancing products available in the market. Both work effectively if you adopt them the right way. Buying the best antioxidant skin care products isn’t difficult anymore with easy availability and affordable prices. However, what we must check for, are the reviews. Preferably, search for reviews by FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Till then, application of homemade face packs, regular cleansing, and frequently washing your face with water should be enough.
These tips are really effective, provided you apply them the right way. However, you have to also take into consideration the fact that every individual is different and this may hamper results.