Almost every other cosmetic product has isopropyl palmitate as one of its ingredients. What must be the role of this constituent?And are there any safety concerns rendered with it? Read this BeautiSecrets article to know more.
Environmental Hazard!
Isopropyl palmitate is derived from palms. After realizing the many benefits associated with isopropyl palmitate, there has been a huge demand for it. Therefore, palms from the rainforests were felled in large numbers to obtain this element. As palms are a source of food for orangutans, the large-scale deforestation of palm trees can spell doom for this species in the long run.
Isopropyl palmitate is used as a thickening agent in skin and hair care products. It not only improves the consistency of watery lotions, but also adds to the benefits of the product. This palm oil derivative consists of fatty acids, vitamins, and alcohol. Apart from these, many chemicals are added to the palmitate before including it in cosmetic products. Therefore, the end product is far from being ‘natural’ and also becomes highly viscous. It is an isotonic element, i.e, its salinity is the same as that of body fluids, and therefore, is safe to be ingested in small amounts.
Isopropyl palmitate has many synonyms, like crodamol IPP, sopropyl palmitate, palmitic acid, deltyl prime, and isopropyl ester. This BeautiSecrets article tries to shed light on the many uses of isopropyl palmitate and the safety concerns associated with its use.
Isopropyl Palmitate For Skin
It is used as an antistatic and solvent ingredient in skin care products. Moisturizers, lip care products, sunscreens, antiperspirants, deodorants, and foundations, have isopropyl palmitate.
When cosmetics, containing isopropyl palmitate, are applied on the skin, the ingredient evenly spreads on the skin and stays on the surface for a while, before being absorbed. Therefore, it helps in getting rid of dryness and also makes the skin soft and supple.
The other benefits of this ingredient are that, it helps to diminish the pore size and fine lines on the skin. It is known to keep problems like dermatitis and eczema at bay.
Isopropyl palmitate also helps to get rid of nail fungus by moisturizing and healing the affected area of the skin.
When isopropyl palmitate is used excessively, or in a higher concentration, it renders many side-effects. It is comedogenic, meaning, the person using it can develop pimples. In case the person is suffering with acne, the problem can be aggravated with the usage of this product.
It clogs the pores of the skin due to its high viscosity, leading to the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. Products with this component should be avoided by people who are prone to outbreaks.
This ingredient is also known to irritate the skin when used in high concentration, and as a result, the skin produces more sebum than necessary. This gives rise to acne.
Due to the alcoholic content in isopropyl palmitate, it drys up the skin and should be strictly avoided by people with sensitive skin.
Isopropyl Palmitate For Hair
Oils containing isopropyl palmitate are popularly used to get rid of dandruff, lice, and reduce baldness.
When included in shampoos, it makes hair more lustrous, manageable, silky, and soft. Thereby improving the texture of frizzy and dried out hair.
Overindulgence in hair products having isopropyl palmitate can make the hair greasy and messy.
If a person having a scalp infection or wound uses products with this constituent, it can aggravate the condition.
Some brands which have isopropyl palmitate in their ingredients are Vaseline, Nivea, Curel, Dove, and Neutrogena. Isopropyl palmitate is safe only when used in the right quantity. Its utility can be toxic when used in high concentration. According to many medical surveys, applying isopropyl palmitate products during pregnancy is safe. But make sure that you consult your physician before including such products.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and should not be substituted for the advice of a medical professional.